Certified appraisals
We deliver appraisals and certificates for insurance companies and documents for legacies.
We are member of following official organizations : ROCAD (Royal Chamber of Art Dealers), ARTEXPERTS (Belgian association of Art Experts), BSOT (Bundesverband der Sachverständigen für orientalische, handgeknüpfte Teppiche und Flachgewebe e.V.), TMV (Federatie van Taxateurs Makelaars Veilinghouders in Roerende Zaken), CINOA ( International Confederation of Art and Antique Dealers' Associations) and BRAFA (BRussels Art Fair).
We handle the official tariffs, implemented by these organizations.
In Belgium there is no practical nor theoretical examination required to become a rug expert. Anyone can freely sign certificates of origin and call himself an expert. Therefore, Naïry Vrouyr has decided to pass the exams at the TMV in the Netherlands and the BSOT in Germany. She was an intern at the Textile Museum in Washington DC and at the restoring workshop of ATC in Izmir, Turkey. She was selected to take part in the ICOC (International Conference on Oriental Carpets) in Stockholm with her study on Romanian kilims.